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Wood Stick Charcoal

Price: USD $455/ Ton (FOB)

Packaging: Gunny Sack 20 kg
Production: 200 Tons / Month
Loading Capacity: 25 Tons (40 FT)

Wood stick charcoal is directly derived from the trunk of a tree, which is the central, thickest part of the tree that supports the branches and leaves.

Wood Stick Charcoal is highly valued as a fuel source, primarily for cooking and heating purposes, due to its high carbon content, which allows it to burn longer and hotter compared to other charcoals. Its dense and hardwood nature also results in less smoke and sparks, making it ideal for grilling and barbecuing.

Calorie Value: 7200 kcal/kg (Min)
Moisture: 8% Max
Ash Content: 4% Max
Volatile Matter: 15% Max
Fixed Carbon: 75% Min


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