Halaban Wood Charcoal

Price: USD $375/ Ton (FOB)

Packaging: Gunny Sack Included

Production: 120 Tons / Month

Loading Capacity: 20 Tons/40 FT

Halaban wood charcoal is derived from Halaban wood, a type of hardwood tree that is commonly found in Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia. It is a popular choice as a cooking fuel due to its long burn time and high heat output. Many countries use Halaban wood charcoal for traditional grilling, barbecuing, and outdoor cooking, as it adds a distinctive smoky flavor to food that is highly valued in culinary traditions.


Calorie Value: 6300 Min kcal/Kg

Moisture: 8% max

Ash Content: 4% Max

Fix Carbon: 70% Max

Volatile: 15% Max


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