Coconut Shell Charcoal

Price: USD $540/ Ton (FOB)

Production: 120 Tons / Month

Packaging: Gunny Sack 20 Kg

Capacity: 17 Tons/20 FT & 26 Tons/40 FT

Coconut shell charcoal is initially coconut shells that are burned with the same process as wood charcoal. This waste product has certain benefits like other varieties of charcoal, which can be utilized, as energy.

Coconut shell charcoal is frequently processed further into briquettes (Coconut Charcoal Briquette) or activated carbon products. Users can use coconut charcoal briquette for shisha/hookah or barbecue purposes. On the other hand, activated carbon has the functions of water purification, deodorization, air purification, toothpaste, skincare, and catalyst.


Calorie Value: 6500 – 7100 kcal/kg

Moisture: 10%

Volatile Matter: 12.5% – 15%

Ash Content: 3%

Fixed Carbon: 85%

Burning Time (hours): 2


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